Sustainable fisheries

Conducting fishing activity we are interested only in the surplus dividends of fish resources where the base of fish stocks remain healthy and intact.​ 

Arctic Navigations activities, including fishing, processing and the sale of fish, are dependent on the existence of sustainable marine resources. Our company works closely with Polish and European administration, the North Atlantic Producers Organization, the National Marine Fisheries Research Institute and many other entities, to apply the principles of effective management of fishing resources in order to facilitate  sustainable fishing and minimize the overall impact to the environment.

The fisheries management system employed in the European Union, and equally in Poland, is one of the best and most comprehensive solutions of its type in the world. The system comprises of a number of regulations for management and conservation of fish stock.

These include:

  • Total Allowable Catch (TAC) – an allowable limit of catches determined on the basis of scientific research,
  • ban on the use of certain types of fishing gear,
  • the use of sonar and echo sounders to enhance the selectivity of fishing,
  • combatting illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing,
  • appropriate certificates for the permission to sell fishing products.

All the above mentioned factors mean that we constantly strive to improve our knowledge concerning the sustainable fisheries management and the ways in which we can reduce the environmental impact of our operations.

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